Holding Back


Whew y’all. This topic, right here. 

If anything this quarantine has taught me, it’s how truly uncomfortable I am if I am not speaking up and stepping out. It has created such a discomfort in me that there is no other option than to MOVE and ACT.

There are plenty of reasons not to execute what has been purposed in our hearts and souls. Social pressure, kids, homeschooling (now), State association’s eyes, practice challenges and straight-up overwhelm. If left to my own devices, I could hang my hat on the fact that all of these are pulling at me and allow my circumstances to dictate my inability to act. There are so many reasons that give us permission to put ‘it’ off, but the bottom line is… it’s a CHOICE. 

Decision to act, even when all the pieces aren’t in front of you.

Decision to step out, even if it’s not perfect.

Decision to speak up, even if others look at you and think “who do you think you are?!”

I know I’ve held back even though I know I trust in God’s timing on my heart. He places purposes in us and I think when we don’t step out when He calls us to, he (thankfully) makes it incredibly uncomfortable to stay in inaction. 

So, friend, this is me stepping out. I’m birthing some things that I know will benefit you and others. I’m being more available to help, risking being taken advantage of by brothers and sisters in this profession. And even though I’m risking this happening again, the pain of not contributing and seeing what flourishes far outweighs the hurt I could potentially experience.

It’s either:       

_______   <   your fear   =   your fear wins


_______   >   your fear   =   the discomfort of not doing ‘that thing’ wins

Until that ‘greater-than’ sign is pointing toward the calling in your heart and away from the fear, you will continue to stay stuck and hold back.

If you are waiting for the ‘right’ time to go for it, where there is plenty of bandwidth in your life and no distractions, friend, there’s something you should know… it’s not going to happen. 

Move, now! Start taking a step TODAY. It may be small, but it all adds up and you will get affirmations of where to step next. Stop holding yourself back, and allow yourself to step into what you’ve been purposed to do.

Let’s step out together in a time where we are needed most.

Let’s gooooo!!!

love + support,


Denisa Weber